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전공별 실험실 소개

Aquatic animal health laboratory (수생동물질병학 실험실)
Aquatic animal health laboratory (수생동물질병학 실험실)
작성자 수의과대학
조회수 828 등록일 2024.01.15

Aquatic animal health laboratory (수생동물질병학 실험실)

Our laboratory provides settings for teaching and training related to aquatic animal diseases of bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens. We conduct research on fish and shellfish immunogenetics, health management of aquatic animals, development of biodegradable nanomaterials for biomedical applications, discovery of novel antimicrobial peptides for controlling multidrug-resistant pathogens, establish disease models using zebrafish, and evaluation of safety and toxicity of therapeutic agents.
